Another year is winding down! We wanted to remind you to make sure you take advantage of any unused dental insurance benefits or flex spending accounts. For most dental insurance plans, the benefits are defined as a calendar year (January 1 – December 31) and if benefits are not used by the end of the year, they are lost. If you or your family members have any necessary dental treatment, we encourage you to make an appointment before time runs out!
At the end of each year, we typically accommodate a rush of patients to catch up on their dental work and treatment needs. What do you need to do to make sure you maximize you and your family’s benefits? Here are four ways to cash in:
Schedule a Routine Check-Up
Regular preventive care is one of the greatest investments you can make in your smile. It helps keep your smile clean, your mouth healthy, and allows us to identify treatment needs when they are smaller and more affordable to complete. If it’s been over 6 months since your last cleaning and exam, then it’s time to give us a call.
Pay for Cosmetic Treatments
Many patients use their remaining benefits at the end of the year to help pay for cosmetic treatments. If you want brighter whites for those holiday pictures, we recommend taking advantage of your flex spending benefits to provide for treatments that insurance may not always cover – such as veneers, crowns, professional whitening or even electric toothbrushes.
Ask About Treatment Options
If you’re putting off a procedure because you want to know if there are other options, it’s perfectly ok to ask. Dr. Sulens and Dr. Brauning always do their best to provide treatment plan options when possible, but if you have a lingering question regarding your care or wonder if an alternative exists, please do not hesitate to let us know! Delaying dental treatment puts patients at risk for more extensive and expensive treatment down the road. Don’t delay – let Sulens Dental Studio work with any treatment needs you may have.
Set Up Treatment Before the Holidays
The holiday season is a popular time for patients to maximize their remaining benefits, but it’s also busy. Many people are out of school or off of work and the appointments can go very quickly. The sooner you schedule your treatment appointment, the more likely you are to be able to have your care completed before the end of the year.
If you are paying insurance premiums every month, you may be wasting money if you are not using your benefits! Sulens Dental Studio is more than happy to answer any questions that you may have about remaining benefits on your dental plan. Contact us today to take advantage of your remaining dental benefits!